Some links I've put up go to mature sites [for older teen audiences, NOT adult audiences! x_x]. The content isn't too extreme or disgusting but you will bump into stuff that will scare you. o.o"
These symbols I've made are here to warn you when you hover over the link. If it's unmarked, it's safe. If not...
[X] - This means there's some mature content in here. [Blood, horror, etc]
Name: Yukino Age: 12 B-Day: March 16 Country: Canada Lives For: Fooooood :D , friends and family, music and um...more fooood "Fake" Body Part: Headphones Music Genres: R&B, Pop, Rock Movie Genres: Comedy, Horror, Fantasy Book Genres: Fantasy, Comedy IQ: Somewhere in between 0 and 5 Brain Size: A bit smaller than your regular sized pea... Hobbies: Art, Literature, Writing, Being Stupid, Exercising, Eating canday :D Food: CANDAYYYY~!!
Need to tell me something? Or just wanna say hi? Email me at
Link Back
Click on the button or banner you want to put on your site. Copy the URL and paste it in the code. Copy the code and put it on your site.
^_^ I made these buttons.
Pixel Adoptables RULES! Read First!
1. Don't claim these graphics as your own!
2. Credit me with a link or just put my name!
4. Don't use these images on your layout or anything of the sort! Pixels are for toyboxes ONLY, and avatars are for message boards and websites ONLY!
5. These graphics are not direct-linkable, so save them to your own server please.
Did you read them carefully? If yes, then you're fine. If no, then I will gather my army of killer pixels to kill you!
Right click the adoptable you want and save them to your computer.
Old...[Un-Floofy D:]
Avatars and Icons
Right click and save image. Upload it to your own server(try Photobucket).