



Forsaken Memories


Blinkiemakers Photobucket


Link Warnings

Some links I've put up go to mature sites [for older teen audiences, NOT adult audiences! x_x]. The content isn't too extreme or disgusting but you will bump into stuff that will scare you. o.o" These symbols I've made are here to warn you when you hover over the link. If it's unmarked, it's safe. If not...

[X] - This means there's some mature content in here. [Blood, horror, etc]

Unmarked - It's totally safe. Nothing scary here. :]

Credits - If I've put something like © Yukino or name like that, then I'm just crediting myself or someone else.
Wednesday, April 16, 2008, 4:44 PM
Some New Art

Yay it's Ruby Gloom! I unchibified her and drew her in my own style.

This is some sort of drawing of my mom. A couple of days ago, I had a dream about her looking like this, except she had white hair. She looked like this women when I saw my mom. I had never seen my mom in such a condition before. So I'm not sure if that was a vision or not.

In all her gloomy glory is...Ruby Gloom! Chibi version! ♥

This is Adriana. My made up character. Photobucket

YAY!~ A picture of Watanuki without his glasses.
He looks cool without 'em.

♥, Yuki