



Forsaken Memories


Blinkiemakers Photobucket


Link Warnings

Some links I've put up go to mature sites [for older teen audiences, NOT adult audiences! x_x]. The content isn't too extreme or disgusting but you will bump into stuff that will scare you. o.o" These symbols I've made are here to warn you when you hover over the link. If it's unmarked, it's safe. If not...

[X] - This means there's some mature content in here. [Blood, horror, etc]

Unmarked - It's totally safe. Nothing scary here. :]

Credits - If I've put something like © Yukino or name like that, then I'm just crediting myself or someone else.
Sunday, April 13, 2008, 4:36 PM

Today, the day of the week that I dread most, had come.


I was in for loads of boredom and nonsense from church.

But I just had to get through with this, or else I'd break my mom's heart.

She may be the cruelest mother ever imagined, but after all, she is my mother.

Even worse, I'd hurt my mom's friend. I'll call her Mrs. Ophyllia.

She's an opposite of my mom. Nice, kind, the usual granny act.

Since my mother's absence, I've went to church with Mrs. Ophyllia.

Heck, she's one of the nicest people I know.

But she believes in this religion stuff. Which(in MY opinion, don't kill me for this)is totally bogus to me.

If there was a God of any kind, I would be able to actually speak to this god and he'd reply. I'd hear this reply.

If there was a God I'd see him, but I can't.

I could go on about reasons being non-religious stuff, but I better get on with the story.

I got bored in church, waiting until the service would end so we could have fun going out at lunch.

The bible classes and major church production practice seemed to drag on for hours...

But it all ended after a while.

Mrs. Ophyllia took me and my bro to [Swiss Caret].

We had a fun time eating and talking. Nice food.

After that, we walked back to the car.

My brother was jumping around smiling, commenting the ribs and fries he ate and how delicious they were.

Then Mrs. Ophyllia spoke. "So kids, I asked your dad if it was ok if we could go see your mom at [Sunny Rivers] Hospital. Is that ok with you guys?"

My brother fell silent.

I paused for a moment and thought for a second. "...Sure, why not?"

Mrs. Ophyllia looked pleased. "The nurses at the hospital have been asking me for a while if I could bring you kids to your mom. It would help her a lot!"
"So, little guy, what do you think?"
My brother stared at Mrs. Ophyllia for a second.
"Ok." He answered with his cute face.
"Alright, kids, a friend of mine is going to bring us over to [Sunny Rivers], his name is [Darrel]. He's from church, remember?"
Another person from church. Oh joy.


We arrived at the hospital after sitting in a stuffy car for two hours.

"Isn't it great that we'll get to see your momma again?" She grinned.
"Yeah." I answered with a solemn smile.

We walked through the hospital, looking inside open room doors, getting a glance of the injured and sick people inhabiting the little rooms.

People walked around in blue robes with tubes stuck up their noses, necks and heads.

I felt so bad for these unlucky people.

They stared at me the same way I did to them, and I looked away.

We found our mom sitting in a wheel chair, wrapped in a blue blanket with some bloodstains on it.
A small gash on the right side of her head hid under her thin layers of hair.
When we came, one of her eyes opened.

"Hello [Tammi], remember [Yuki] and your son? They're here!"

My mom stared at me with her one eye open. Her face looked hurt.

I held my mom's hand.

"With you guys here, she must be very happy." She smiled at us again. "Each time I visit, [Tammi] is stronger and stronger each day. Because of God's healing hand, she's still alive. All that she needs now is some rest."

I felt sort of better now that I was with my mom. I've never seen her like this. I felt really bad for her and started to feel differently for my mom. She never knew how to show love to her kids, but I still love her as my mom.

As I looked at my mom, I noticed she was straining her face to keep one eye open.

She was still recovering from her coma, so she needed to get used to using her senses.

Mrs. Ophyllia talked about me and my bro and what was going on in church. We also pushed her chair around the hospital.

"[Tammi], you're going to be fine. Once you recover, you'll be back in church in no time!"
"Yeah, Mom, you'll get better soon." I smiled at mom.

We stopped at a window near a stairwell.

"Look at the pretty blue sky, [Tammi], can you remember the beautiful sky on Sunday mornings?"
Mom stared out the window. Her mind wandering off to memories from the old days.
My mom was still in a coma. She could still hear and see everything, but she couldn't react to all this yet. Only her left side of her mind had recovered so that's why she was still in a coma, but it was a light one.

After talking a while we went back to my mom's room and greeted Darrel and her wife.

"We're all praying for you, [Tammi].", answered Darrel's wife.

We chatted more and then headed home.

I stared at the blue sky, thinking about the past events.

Get better soon, Mom.

♥, Yuki