



Forsaken Memories


Blinkiemakers Photobucket


Link Warnings

Some links I've put up go to mature sites [for older teen audiences, NOT adult audiences! x_x]. The content isn't too extreme or disgusting but you will bump into stuff that will scare you. o.o" These symbols I've made are here to warn you when you hover over the link. If it's unmarked, it's safe. If not...

[X] - This means there's some mature content in here. [Blood, horror, etc]

Unmarked - It's totally safe. Nothing scary here. :]

Credits - If I've put something like © Yukino or name like that, then I'm just crediting myself or someone else.
Friday, February 1, 2008, 6:53 PM

Suuchi, Suki and many other people that have seen my blog all say I should delete it.

"It's unsafe! You're saying waaay to much about yourself and your private life!"
"You do know that people realize your a helpless girl that can be easily tracked down and kidnapped right?"
"Seriously, stop blogging. You're saying too much."

The negative comments go on and on and on...

"Why believe what they say? It's what you think that counts."

I actually believe what they're saying.

I am saying too much and I am an easy target.

There are more reasons why I'm deleting this:

1. I don't want to write in my blog anymore.
2. I've realized I'm saying way too much about my self and that I'm an easy target.
3. I don't want to stay in touch with people so much anymore.
4. Doing this is dangerous.

Those are all the reasons I can think of.

I don't know what to do.

I'm getting more depressed then ever. I want to be alone more.

"Exercise, do a hobby, DO SOMETHIN', MAN!!!"

None of those things make me happy. They just give me something to do for a while and the exercises just make me sweaty.

I do them alone anyway.

Which sucks.

I have mixed feelings about society.

Spending time with people is fun, it makes me happy.

On the other hand, I sometimes regret hanging with this person and just avoid them.

This stupid depression is TAKING OVER MY LIFE.

The counselors and social workers are no help to me. They just make me join programs and such. And I haven't even gotten into one of them.

I hate this.

And I feel like a bad influence to people, too.

Suuchi and I had a fight once because of my temper and my urge to be alone.

Her parents are afraid that I'm a bad influence to her.

They don't want me to talk about my life in front of her.

I hate my life so much.

I'm still thinking about suicide, yet I don't have the courage to do something like this.

I don't want to hurt anyone, yet if I keep living I only hurt myself more.

I'm confused, afraid, and depressed.

Though I'm not quitting the website building!

I guess I will just stick to my pixel site.

Instead of being known as the unfortunate loser who blogs, I'm just the anonymous pixel girl.

That's pretty much it.


♥, Yuki