



Forsaken Memories


Blinkiemakers Photobucket


Link Warnings

Some links I've put up go to mature sites [for older teen audiences, NOT adult audiences! x_x]. The content isn't too extreme or disgusting but you will bump into stuff that will scare you. o.o" These symbols I've made are here to warn you when you hover over the link. If it's unmarked, it's safe. If not...

[X] - This means there's some mature content in here. [Blood, horror, etc]

Unmarked - It's totally safe. Nothing scary here. :]

Credits - If I've put something like © Yukino or name like that, then I'm just crediting myself or someone else.
Thursday, February 28, 2008, 9:49 PM

I returned from the Sunnyrivers Hospital(not real name, just another cover up like the rest).

We had to wait half an hour until we could go in.

The nurse said me and my bro had to stay outside. They won't allow kids in there.

I was really confused. I felt sad, too...

"She's your mother, but she treated you terribly. Now that she's in critical do you feel...?"

Um...confused. Very confused.

I've hated her ever since I was born. She never treated me right. She never treated anyone right, actually. My mom just lied to people about how great a mother she is and so on.

When she's just with us kids, she'd just nag at us. She would never show affection or kindness.

A cold hearted woman.

I never felt affection for her, either.

But now that all this has happened...I actually feel bad for her.

I actually want her to stay alive when I wanted her to be out of my life.

This is super confusing...

I feel terrible and sad.

Dad saw what happened to Mom. She looked ok. No blood. She broke her leg, though.
I think my dad said she was wearing bandages around her head and she was in some sort of...coma.

I've never felt like this for my mom, ever.

It's such a new feeling.

It's also the most painful and confusing one I've had today.


Why did Mom have to get hurt?

Why is life so hard?

Why live in a world when no one is happy in it?

♥, Yuki

P.S. Look at the post below if your confuzzled like me. It tells you the details of what happened etc.