



Forsaken Memories


Blinkiemakers Photobucket


Link Warnings

Some links I've put up go to mature sites [for older teen audiences, NOT adult audiences! x_x]. The content isn't too extreme or disgusting but you will bump into stuff that will scare you. o.o" These symbols I've made are here to warn you when you hover over the link. If it's unmarked, it's safe. If not...

[X] - This means there's some mature content in here. [Blood, horror, etc]

Unmarked - It's totally safe. Nothing scary here. :]

Credits - If I've put something like © Yukino or name like that, then I'm just crediting myself or someone else.
Thursday, February 28, 2008, 5:58 PM

My mom got hit by a car.

She's in the hospital right now.

I don't know what to do, I don't think I could do anything actually.

Dad said her lungs collapsed. She's using a respirator right now and isn't conscience.

"Do you want to go see your mother?", Dad asked.
I thought for a moment.
"She is my mother after all. I guess I should."

Dad will be driving me to the hospital later on.

I just don't know what to say. I feel so confused.

My real mother has never been kind to me, and so includes my past stepmoms. But I feel that if I go visit my mom, I'll be doing the right thing.

Dad says that I am doing the right thing. In the future I won't regret this.

I also visited the counselor again. She wants me to join programs.

You know, the kinds related to my interests.

But I don't think that would make me feel any less confused then I am now.

I'll tell you what happens later.

♥, Yuki

P.S. I guess that was more of a hiatus then a close down. So I'll be blogging again.

I'll just take short breaks.